Cataratas Yaesu
Phone: 070-9067-2873
Open 11am-11pm daily.

This popular standing bar in Tokyo Midtown Yaesu's second-floor dining complex offers a few unusual craft beers on tap as well as various light snacks. A recent taplist featured an imperial stout from La Debauche Nevermore (France) and Burnt Mill Five Acre NE Pale Ale (UK) as well as more widely available beers like Lagunitas IPA and Pilsner Urquell. Food items include duck pastrami, bacon potato salad and pickled quail eggs. Small glasses of beer start at Y840.
Chuo-ku, Yaesu 2-2-1, Tokyo Midtown Yaesu 2F.
東京都中央区八重洲2-2-1 東京ミッドタウン八重洲2F
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